In Memory of my DAD

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This page is dadicated to memory of my dad ISMAIL KAYVANI

He was the most wonderful father to his kids, a loving husband to his wife, a loving, kind, helpfull friends to all relatives and friends. A man of God, and the most honest, kindest, hard working person known by other people, and to me his oldest kid and son.
He was born in 1922 or ( 1301 ) in Brujen, Iran.
He got married in May 27,1947 (1326-3-6) to a beutiful Iranian lady, and they had 7 kids, 3 sons, 4 daugthers. I am the oldest son.
He was the my father, my best friend, and even that I have been living in United State for 29 years out of my  life, but we had great relationship, and I visited Iran and my family several times, and  on 2000 for his memoial and as recent as 2004. He always has been in my mind and my heart.
He had a small built, but he always was a healthy man, but recently he had an accident, he fell from steps lather, that cause bleeding in brain and even surgery didn't save him, and he died on Oct.24, 2000 at age of 78, and left me all alone. He brook my heart and my back because he was my father, and my best friend.
Unfortuntly I was not there when he died but I went to Iran about two weeks after his deaf, and visited my family for almost a month. I will miss him so dearly, and so is the rest of family. Please have a word of prayer in my dad's memory, God bless him and all of your love one that has passed away. Thank you.

This is one of my favorite picture of my father Ismail Kayvani that acualy was in my wedding as you see in the background.

In summer of 1999 I have visited Iran, and my family with my wife that she was pregnet with my dauther at that time. I am so glad we could go home we had a great time, that was the last time I saw my dad. He was so exited to see us that it is imposible for me to explain. He always in the past wrote me some poam in his letter, and he told me that he is writting what he is feeling in his heart in those poam. One day he wrote me a poam, and gave it to me. He told me how much he loves me and my family and looking forward to see my kids. Unfotunatly that was the last time that I saw my dad alive and he never met his granddaughter. I will always charish that memory, and that poem for rest of my life, and I posted that for you all to see. As you see my dad had very nice hand writting as well.

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This is one of my favorite image. My dad wrote this poam for me his son in my visit to Iran last year in summer of 1999.